Hi all! (those few of you who read, anyway)
Sorry I haven't gotten back to the blog. I'm having some bad months here with my illnesses and working on other projects. Currently in the works I have 2 multipass model kits being built, and one is for my fellow Fifth Element enthusiast Kim, who I have known for a few years online and even speak to on the phone once in a while. (Hi Kim! We need to chat soon!)
I am currently working on bits and pieces of Meziere's book to translate. I have some of it down and much more to go. Sometime soon I will post pictures of my own fanart as well as the replica stones that I painted myself. I'll also post pics of the multipass kits which are in a rough working stage. I had to prime them and go back and trim excess pieces off, and now I am going to have to fill in some other areas. It's slow going because some of the fumes trigger my conditions. For those of you who read this blog, don't fret. It's hard to gather information on The Fifth Element but I am working on expanding my source base, and there's still a lot of info in the books and magazines I currently have.
If anyone has any questions they'd like to submit, please feel free. I will answer to the best of my abilities.