Thursday, August 18, 2011


...And welcome to my The Fifth Element blog!  Here I hope to archive posts and information about the film.  I am currently working on a website that is private at the moment, so I can work out the kinks and figure out what it's going to take to get an archive built.  So, for the time being, I'll be posting here partly for my own amusement, and partly to get a sense of what I'd like to include on my site.

For now I'll introduce myself.  I've been a fan of the film since it came out in May of 1997, and I collect items from the film, including obscure memorabilia, some props/replicas, model kits, books, clothing, soundtrack versions, etc.  Some of the ideas and facts I'll be contributing to my sites come from Luc Besson's published film diary, titled The Adventure and Discovery of a Film:  The Story of the Fifth Element, Jean-Claude Meziere's Mon Cinquieme Element:  Decor Pour Le Film De Luc Besson (My Fifth Element Sets from the film by Luc Besson), and the only publicly available draft of the script upon which the novelization was built, and from which some of the film's subtitles were inappropriately transliterated (hint:  Leeloo's full name, the misspelling of which really bothers me...but that's my problem and not yours!  Unless you'd really like to get it right.)

I'll also be tackling obscure trivia sometimes.  I think the most often questioned piece of trivia I have come across is just what, exactly, is it that is running down Zorg's head whenever he communicates with Mister Shadow?  I'll get to that later!

However, for the time being I'll leave you with an interesting bit written by Luc Besson on what the Fifth Element is, exactly:  

"The film, for me, was something far more intimate, centered on this fifth element, which represents life, love and art.  A sort of model, reflection or mirror, a way of exploring how to live better with others and with oneself.  In peace."

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